No matter what part of our life we are in, whether it is adolescence or adulthood, there will be times in which we face uncertainty. Granted there are people who face more uncertainty than others, there will come times when we all face it. We can’t escape it and there isn’t a way to determine when that uncertainty will hit us. We could be driving or even just resting when it happens. Since we can’t escape it, the question then becomes “How do I deal with it?”. This is a hard question to answer in just one breath because there are many different ways which works for many different types of people. With this world growing, expanding, and developing, there are more types of people than before. There are religious and non-religious, strong and weak, determined and unmotivated. This diversity means that one thing may work for a person but fails on another person, which demands different techniques for each individual.

The thing which I always find very effective for myself in times of uncertainty is faith. Nothing comforts me more than it and nothing works as well to not only calm me but help me understand the situation. Now, I know this isn’t useful for all people because everyone’s level of faith varies. I have also dealt with stress techniques which were somewhat helpful for me and successful for others. This technique covers a wide range of ways which include breathing, focusing, and even pressure techniques such as gripping and releasing a foam ball. The best way of dealing with uncertainty that I have ever come across is comfort. Whether it be with family, friends, or even strangers, the comfort of knowing someone is with you so you aren’t going through it alone. Talking to someone about what you are feeling and what you are afraid of really helps to relieve the emotions that occur from uncertainty.

So, no matter where you are or when it is, uncertainty will hit you eventually. The important part is to be prepared in knowing how you can deal with it. If you don’t deal with it, it will only consume you and bring your heart down to the ground. It will worry you till there is nothing left but fear. The important thing is to remember that you can face it and deal with it. Don’t let it affect you in a negative way.